Workplaces where people grow and enjoy themselves; where people are valued and create value.
What we offer
Successify is a total leadership development service, including leadership development programmes, workshops, coaching packages, 360 feedback assessments, customised mobile learning applications and project management services. Our end-to-end service makes it easy for you, from design to execution and through to impact evaluation:
"Just give us the email addresses of the participants, and we take care of the rest."
Leadership development
Leadership development programmes
Packages for groups and teams 6-12 months
Tailored mobile learning applications
Customised 360 assessments
Tailored individual executive coaching
Management team coaching programmes
Workshops in coaching skills for leaders
Individual and team 360-feedback packages
Influencing and collaboration
Project leadership and communication
Multicultural and virtual team leadership
Collaboration and teamworking skills
Presenting and influencing skills
Leadership development packages
We work with you to define and implement good leadership in your organisation. Together with our network partners, Successify has the right solution to the leadership development needs in your business. Our highly customised programmes are closely connected to your strategic goals and company values. The case study below is a typical modular format development programme ran for 9 months for a group of 18 leaders. The elements of the package included defining the core leadership competencies, a 360 assessment written for the programme, 3 x two-day workshops offsite and all supported by a dedicated customised mobile learning application.
Case study: Leading Excellence at Neste Engineering Solutions
David and Nick delivered a 9 month leadership development journey for 18 of our senior leaders.
The experience was shaped by webinars, coaching, assessment tools, buddy coaching, training, strategy projects, and crucially, active senior management participation, all with the aid of a Leading Excellence App.
The content helped our leaders navigate through some critical leadership topics, from strategy communication and execution to self leadership, from managing challenging conversations to the neuroscience of trust and leadership presence, from performance coaching to leading into the future.
Leading Excellence provided a leadership journey with real business impact, and inspired significant change in mindset and performance, which will truly stay with participants.
Jarmo Suominen
CEO, Neste Engineering Solutions
January 2018
Why work with an executive coach? I asked this from our powerful network of experienced partner coaches and this is what they told me: "First and foremost, we are interested in WHO YOU ARE ... we believe the whole human comes to work and the coach should take an holistic view of WHO YOU CAN BE ... we meet our coachees without judgement or bias, but with appreciation ...we look for your strengths and talents ... so you can find your way to excel, grow and flourish." If sounds this interesting, let's be in touch and see which of our team would be the right coach for you.
Influencing and collaboration skills
Most people we work with spend more than half their time at work in some act of communication. And we believe that the more work becomes automated and digitised, then the greater the need for human interactions to be meaningful and effective. Our series of workshops and development programmes based around communication and collaboration skills give leaders the tools to influence and inspire thier teams and colleagues to succeed. If you are interested in making a greater impact and building your sphere of influence, then give us a call!
Successify offers tailored leadership development programmes that are closely tied to the organisation’s mission, vision, and values.
We can help your team reach the next level of success. Our team packages are results-driven, closely tied to your strategy.
Our individual coaching packages give you the tools and help you find the energy you need to succeed. We work in your reality.
We customise every programme to match your organisational needs. The Successify Leadership Development mobile application is a very good example of our approach. The app runs off a customisable platform that enables us to support the organisational development goals by utilising content from your comapny's mission, vision, strategy and values. This ensures the development programme is connceted to the business and the success of your organisation; and at the user level it supports the individual leader's learning journey. And when this is further linked with the user-driven Successify 360 tool, it really puts the user in the driving seat of their own development.
As organisations become more distributed, networked and multicultural, being a team leader is a tough call these days. We believe that team leaders need support, and we will work with you to build the right package to help your team reach its goals and performance targets. A recent customer case in Singapore and the Netherlands involved an intensive two-day workshop followed by sessions of facilitated on-line pair coaching. The themes of the workshop were coaching, feedback, decsion-making and managing your own performance. We pioneered the programme with the management teams in the respective sites, and then it was followed up by putting supervisors and key managers through the same programme. Get in touch if you are interested to hear about how the impact of the programme was assessed and what we could do to help your team succeed and flourish.
We believe that all leadership starts with the self; all our development programmes have a strong emphasis on self-leadership and managing your own energy levels, motivation, self-development and goal setting. Then we go on to looks at the resources you have, and leadership tools that best suit you and your teams, to grow into your leadership role. We take a systematic approach to developing competencies for leaders that most suit your context. Some of the most popular competencies include networking, strategic thinking, coaching, leading change and customer focus. Ready to take your leadership skills to the next level? Get in touch to find out what we can do to help you and your teams succeed:
Who we are
David Goddard
Founder, CEO
+358 50 918 5793
David has more than 25 years experience in helping people flourish and succeed at work. Typical assignments are with team leaders from businesses and governments in Europe, USA, Asia, the Middle East and East Africa. Roles have included training, consulting, coaching, leading teams, being an entrepreneur and network founder; responsibilities have included managing and leading partnerships in networked, distributed organisations, and Chairman of the Board. David’s training and coaching experience spans over 50 countries; designing and implementing long-term, high impact corporate wide leadership development programmes; coaching management teams and senior executives, writing case-studies and simulations; and developing mobile learning applications.